There are a few red flags that you should look out for that will tell you when your vehicle needs emergency towing Vancouver. When certain parts or features of your car have served their duties, they’ll usually give you tall-tale warning signs that you must know how to decipher. Keep in mind that besides the regular tune-up at the mechanic, a more in-depth check-up will be required at least twice a year.

This is vital as even the smallest problems can eventually turn into ones that can cost you time, money, and even become catastrophic. Preventative maintenance with a mechanic that you trust, will not only fix existing issues and stop them from turning into irreparable damage but also prevent new ones from forming.

Smoke Under the Hood

First and foremost, smoke rising from under the hood is never a good sign. Smoke can either escape from under the hood or the exhaust pipes. While it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact problem, there are a few guidelines that should tell you where the root of the problem is.

  • White smoke: White smoke is usually steam and could mean the engine overheated. Let your car cool off and add coolant. If you’re concerned, get in touch with a professional from our team.
  • Blue Smoke: Blue-tinted smoke usually means an engine oil leak. This is dangerous and you should call us to tow your car to your desired location.
  • Black Smoke: Black smoke can mean one of two things, either a damaged fuel injector or a clogged air filter. In both cases, your car should be towed as soon as possible.

Difficult-to-Control Steering

If your steering wheel is stiff to turn, shakes or feels loose and makes sounds when you’re turning it, it requires immediate attention. The steering system relies on mechanic, hydraulic and electrical technology that must all function in harmony in order for steering to work. If one of those elements doesn’t function, your safety and those of your passengers are at risk.

Pungent, Worrisome Smells

bad smells mean trouble and are a sign that you need to have your car checked immediately. If you smell exhaust that comes from a car’s tailpipe, that’s carbon monoxide. This gas is incredibly toxic, which is why you should never leave a car running in a closed garage or another closed space. If you smell burning rubber, it could mean a melting rubber hose, an accessory belt that’s old and worn out or burnt tires.

Malfunction Indicator Light

An indicator light signals malfunction for some of the following elements: engine, engine oil pressure, engine temperature, traction control, parking brake, and anti-lock brake. If any one of these lights is on, you should immediately take note of it and have your car towed to a mechanic you trust.

If your car breaks down in the middle of the road, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for emergency towing Vancouver.