Driving in weather conditions presents many challenges to both seasoned drivers and new ones. Driving in snow, ice, rain and fog can impair your ability to see and slow down your reaction times, making it optimal that you pay extra attention.

Throughout the season, there are a few things you should do:

  • Test your battery regularly as battery power can quickly drop in cold weather
  • Regularly test tire pressure as it can also drop quickly in cold weather
  • Make sure your cooling system is functioning
  • Make sure your winter tires have a deeper tread
  • Make sure your wiper blades are in good working order
  • In the winter, you need different wiper fluid – make sure it’s suited for -30 degrees
  • To avoid gas line freeze, always keep a lookout for your tank, making sure it’s half full

It’s essential that you keep a close eye on your car’s most important parts and features to avoid running into problems while on the road. If you do, we are available with emergency towing services Vancouver around the clock.

Let’s take a look at some things you should do before you hit the road:

  • Clean your car’s side-view mirrors, your rearview mirror and your windshield for maximum visibility. During winter, it’s normal for more dirt than usual to stick to wet surfaces and cause stains.
  • Make sure sensors that allow assistive driving features are clear of dirt and debris – these enable emergency braking to work properly
  • If it’s especially cold or below-freezing, start up your car and give it a chance to warm up first
  • Never travel in extremely dangerous conditions where visibility is low or there is a storm coming

How to be a responsible driver during the winter:

  • Don’t use cruise control – this minimizes your control over the car in conditions where ice, black ice, snow or rain are present
  • Leave an extra following distance of about 10 seconds
  • Accelerate and decelerate very slowly and cautiously

Should you run into problems on the road or in your driveway, please don’t hesitate to call us for towing services Vancouver. We are at the ready regardless of the situation’s complexity.