If you often find yourself needing to call for fuel delivery in Vancouver, you need to begin learning how to reduce your fuel consumption. With rising gas prices, it’s important now more than ever to not only learn how to cut costs but also get a vehicle with good engine fuel consumption.

Let’s discuss 10 ways to cut fuel costs.

Drive only when it’s necessary

This first tip is incredibly simple, but you’d be surprised to find out how many people drive their cars for small grocery store trips or errands that are within walking distance.

Tighten the cap

Gas can evaporate if the gas cap isn’t on tightly enough, requiring you to fill up more times than is necessary. Every top-up, make sure it’s on tight so you can keep all the gas you pay for.

Make sure you’re aerodynamic

Remove anything stacked or strapped on top of your car, as well as bike rails and roof racks. They not only make your car heavier, but they impede on its ability to be aerodynamic. The more wind resistance there is, the more effort your car’s engine must use.

Reduce the weight

Heavier cars use up more fuel. It’s just that simple. Take off and store away any unnecessary baggage that’s sitting in your trunk. If you’re moving, do multiple small trips, instead of just a few large and heavy ones.

Don’t Idle

It’s easy to do this in heavy traffic, but it burns excess fuel. Turn your engine off if you’ll be stuck for more than just a few minutes, your gas tank will thank you.

Learn to coast

It can be a little challenging to learn, but it’s a great way to cut down on consumption. If in any case, you do find yourself out of fuel and in the middle of nowhere, please get in touch with us for convenient, fast and reliable fuel delivery in Vancouver.

Drive steadily

Whenever you brake and accelerate suddenly, you’re burning unnecessary fuel. Apply consistent pressure to the accelerator and the break, and break from longer distances instead of right at the last minute.

Make sure your tires are inflated

Properly inflated tires use up less fuel, why? The flatter and more under-inflated your tires, the more surface area that comes into contact with the ground. This uses up lots of fuel.

Turn off the AC

When your car’s air conditioner is on during the summer, especially while driving slowly, it’s using up significant amounts of your engine’s power and your car’s fuel. Turn it off whenever possible.

Close your windows

This point goes back to aerodynamics. The loud sound that’s created when your windows are down and you’re driving down a highway is all resistance. The more resistance, the more fuel that’s consumed. Close your windows.

If you’re looking for fuel delivery in Vancouver, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Save our number on speed dial – we’re here to help 24/7.